home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--- security check --->
- <CFIF Find( '..', URL.ServerFile )
- or Find( '\', URL.ServerFile )
- >
- Error: You are not allowed to access this file
- </CFIF>
- <WIZSET LibraryDirectory = Trim(LibraryDirectory)>
- <WIZIF Right( LibraryDirectory, 1 ) EQ '\'>
- <WIZSET LibraryDirectory = Left( LibraryDirectory, Len(LibraryDirectory) - 1 )>
- </WIZIF>
- <!--- parameters --->
- <CFSET LibraryDirectory = "$${LibraryDirectory}">
- <CFSET FilePath = "#LibraryDirectory#\#URL.ServerFile#">
- <!--- extract the file extension --->
- <CFSET SeparatorPos = Find( '.', Reverse(URL.ServerFile) )>
- <CFIF SeparatorPos is 0> <!--- separator not found --->
- <CFSET FileExt = ''>
- <CFSET FileExt = Right( URL.ServerFile, SeparatorPos - 1 )>
- </CFIF>
- <!--- find the proper MIME type --->
- <CFIF FileExt is ''> <CFSET FileType = "unknown">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'pdf'> <CFSET FileType = "application/pdf">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'aif'> <CFSET FileType = "audio/aiff">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'aiff'> <CFSET FileType = "audio/aiff">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'art'> <CFSET FileType = "image/x-jg">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'cil'> <CFSET FileType = "application/vnd.ms-artgalry">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'gif'> <CFSET FileType = "image/gif">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'htm'> <CFSET FileType = "text/html">
- <CFELSEIF FileExt is 'html'> <CFSET FileType = "text/html">
- <CFELSE> <CFSET FileType = "unknown">
- </CFIF>
- <!--- return requested file --->
- <CFCONTENT TYPE="#FileType#"
- FILE="#FilePath#"
- >